玩家扮演投資者在市場上爭奪 6間初創公司的股權!
打牌:可以打在自己面前作為持有股票或打出到市場上。如打在自己面前令自己成為此公司的股票最多持有者,需拿取反攏斷token, 之後不能拿市場上該公司的牌,但相對在肓抽時也不用為市場上該公司的牌增值。
There are six companies that will change the world as we know it! You can be part of their success and be a investor.
Try to become rich by making the right decisions! Only the one biggest investor can get money out of each company.
You must try to read the next steps of your rivals and use your capital and your three hidden cards to win against them and become the biggest shareholder!
You have to be lucky in this game but you must also think about your moves and analyze your rivals!
You can play this card game with only a few players but also with many!
"Startups" is the updated version of an older Oink Game which came out in 2015 and won the second prize at Game Market Tokyo: "Rights".
We upgraded the rules, the design and it is even possible to play with more players now!
45 張卡片
70 個金錢籌碼
6 種反壟斷籌碼
3 種計分籌碼(各 4 種)
所需牌套: 57.5 x 89mm x 1 pack
Players: 3-7
Playing time: 20+
Age: 10+
Language: English/Japenese